Deryl McKissack and Annelies Goger
How can we match DC's workforce to good-paying infrastructure jobs? Join us on Monday, March 6th from 12 pm to 1 pm for a District Strong with Deryl McKissack, founder of DC-based engineering and architecture firm McKissack & McKissack, and Annelies Goger, a leading scholar on workforce development at Brookings. The conversation will focus on the current state of workforce development in the District and strategies for building a stronger pipeline of workers. This is a great opportunity to learn about how to take advantage of the federal money coming in for infrastructure projects and build a more resilient and inclusive workforce in the nation's capital.

Charlene Drew Jarvis and Colbert I. King
Celebrate #BlackHistoryMonth and the 50th anniversary of DC Home Rule with us at #DistrictStrong tomorrow, February 27th, at 12pm! Join former DC Councilmember Charlene Drew Jarvis and columnist Colbert I. King as they explore the city's rich history of black culture and the impact of Home Rule on black communities.