Civic Series


Conversations specific to the civic community such as education, the economy, transportation and equity.

Open to FC2 members and select leaders relevant to the topic at hand.


Laate runs Lollygig – a full-service experience design agency with a full range of clients – including The Smithsonian, the NextFab Foundation, Amway, Seaberry Design, and ThoughtFull Design.

Laate Olukotun has designed products, services, and experiences within a range of unique settings – from innovation labs within large corporations to new startups in new industries. His work has spanned all aspects of the design thinking process, from developing an initial business hypothesis to prototyping to launching new experiences, services, and products. Over his career, Laate has taken on many different roles — as an intrapreneur, as an entrepreneur developing apps and physical products, and as an experience designer. More than anything, Laate enjoys working with creative teams who are exploring uncharted waters.

He holds a bachelors in Economics from Yale University and a Master of Design from the Institute of Design at Illinois Institute of Technology.

When not working, Laate tends to enjoy the sweeter things in life: raising his toddler with his wife, paddleboarding, hiking, traveling, and enjoying long periods of laughter with friends and family.

Community Series


Member Series